Fertility Affirmations - Free Downloadable Printable

Having difficulty conceiving takes its toll on our minds and bodies. Whether you’ve been trying for six months or six years it’s easy to convince ourselves that this just isn’t going to happen for us. We often neglect just how important the mind-body connection is and that our thoughts genuinely do impact our bodies and how they function.

Did you know that within 90 seconds of thinking a thought the corresponding hormones are released into your system? For an anxiety provoking thought those hormones are adrenaline and cortisol and for a happy or peaceful thought they might include oxytocin and endorphins. Your body is often unable to tell the difference between what you think and what is actually happening to you. That’s why it is so important for us to visualize the future that we want and to truly believe that our bodies are capable of what we are asking it to do.

I created these fertility affirmations to help you to remember your strength, your capability to be happy and whole and your ability to achieve the life you want - even if the path isn’t what you anticipated. Included are two blank cards for you to add affirmations that are personal to you.

Feel free to download, hang around your home, and share with anyone who needs encouragement.